MDWDRC2/3 Plugin User Guide

MDWDRC2/3 User Guide for the latest versions of MDWDRC2 and MDWDRC3.

MDWDRC2-Native V1 User Guide for the original MDWDRC2-Native including features, installation, parameters and theory of operation.

MDWDRC2-Native Downloads

This latest version of MDWDRC for mono & stereo includes the new Loudness detector controls, Steering between Discrete and Loudness modes, and individual channel Loudness Weighting controls. The original iLok licenses for MDWDRC2-Native V1 are valid for both versions.



MDWDRC2-Native (V1, pre June 2024, for VST3 & AU Universal Binaries for Intel & Apple Silicon)

NAMM TEC Awards 2025 Finalist

Click Here to Vote Now - Signal Processing Software (Dynamics / EQ / Utilities) Category

MDWDRC3-Native (Multichannel) Downloads

This latest version of MDWDRC3 for multichannel has a single MDWDRC3-Native installer each for Mac OSX and Windows...


What MDWDRC Licenses do I have?

Current working licenses.

MDWDRC License

This is the license you receive when MDWDRC2-Native is purchased and redeemed. This will authorize both AAX-Native and Native (AU/VST3) in Mono and Stereo. Upgrading to MDWDRC3-Native is available with this license. More on it here.
If you purchased MDWDRC2 when it was originally released, there is no need to do anything and can continue using our current version of MDWDRC2-Native v2.

MDWDRC License

This is the license you receive when MDWDRC3-Native is purchased and redeemed. This will authorize both AAX-Native and Native (AU/VST3) in Mono, Stereo and Multichannel. Upgrading from MDWDRC2 to MDWDRC3 is available from here.

MDWDRC License

This is what the license group looks like when you upgrade from MDWDRC2-Native to MDWDRC3-Native. MDWDRC2-Native license is included in case you decide to go back to MDWDRC2-Native v1 (original release).

MDWDRC License

This is the license group when we ran a special bundle sale. MDWDRC2-Native in this group also qualifies for upgrading to MDWDRC3-Native, however, there may be an issue when it comes to surrendering. Please contact us should you experience this particular issue.

Licenses that do not work with the current version.

MDWDRC License

MDWDRC License

These licenses will not work with our currently released versions of MDWDRC2-Native. If you have these licenses and wish to upgrade to the current version, please contact us.

Mac OS Sonoma Issues with Pace iLok on Apple Silicon

March 26th – MacOS 14.4 Sonoma update caused problems with PACE iLok protected plugins on Apple Silicon Mac systems. MacOS 14.4.1, and above, fixes this problem so make sure if you are on Sonoma you upgrade to the latest version.. 

MDWDRC2-Native Plugin Presets

Download sets of plugin presets for the MDWDRC2-Native Dynamic Range Controller plugin. We will be adding to this set of downloads with presets from George and other MDWDRC2-Native users…

MDWDRC2-Native presets ONLY work with MDWDRC2-Native v31 or higher – if you have an earlier version go to the MDWDRC2-Native Downloads section and download and install the latest version.

  • MDW Presets Docs FoldersThe default location for the Presets is: $(home)/Documents/MDW/MDWDRC2/Presets
  • Presets can be stored and loaded by Option + Click over Gain/Loss Meter (MacOS) or Alt + Click over Gain/Loss Meter (Win) to bring up the ‘Save Preset’ and ‘Load Preset’ menu choices.
  • If you ‘Save Preset’ from the MDWDRC2-Native plugin it will create the $(home)/Documents/MDW/MDWDRC2-Native/Presets folder for you.
  • Download the .zip preset file and copy the ‘MDW’ folder into the ‘Documents’ folder. If you already have stored MDW presets then simply drop the ‘Band’, ‘GLM 8900 Emulation’ & ‘Other’ folders into the ‘MDW/MDWDRC2/Presets’ folder.
  • You will now be able to load these by Option + Click over Gain/Loss Meter (MacOS) or Alt + Click over Gain/Loss Meter (Win)
  • The presets each include a matching .png image file of the GUI settings for reference.

Download MDWDRC2-Native Plugin Set 230213 – Band-GM 8900 Emulation-Other

MDWDRC2 Native Load Preset

Software version 2.0.30 and 3.0.30 Release Notes

Much improved graphics performance, improved Page Tables for forwards and backwards compatibility.

Software version 1.0.31 Release Notes - changes from 1.0.14

MDWDRC2-Native Version 1.0.31 includes a number of fixes and improvements and we encourage all users including demo users to update. Special thanks to all those who provided feedback and comments in support tickets, forums and emails.

Main Improvements

  1. Added header section for the buttons.
  2. Added Bypass button to the UI. The Bypass functions in all DAWs and in Pro Tools is in Synch with the Pro Tools Master Bypass.
  3. Added A/B functionality
  4. Larger meter
  5. Changed default settings as per George’s preferences
  6. Refactored the meter drawing code to improve performance
  7. On Windows use OpenGL to improve drawing performance
  8. Added a hidden menu to save and load Presets and save a screen shot of the UI. Option click on the meter section to get a popup menu… and select a folder to save or load to/from.
  9. Set the preset folder to /Documents/MDW/MDWDRC2/Presets
  10. Option click reset values now set to new defaults
  11. Updated the Tool Tips text
  12. Changed Auto Release name to Release Override

Some of the more important Fixes

  1. Fix for Pro Tools sidechain buffer size (could cause a crash when changing the sidechain input).
  2. macOS updated PACE integration
  3. Meters now reset when in bypass
  4. Fixed a bug where if the channel count changes (or side chain is enabled in the host DAW) it could cause the meter thread to crash
Software version 1.0.14 Release notes
MDWDRC2-Native Version 1.0.14 includes a number of fixes and improvements and we encourage all users including demo users to update. Special thanks to all those who provided feedback and comments in support tickets, forums and emails.
  1.  Bypass – matched bypass delay to delay latency (for hosts which support informing plugins they’re in bypass like Pro Tools)
  2. Set the High Resolution control to the same setting as EQ6.  High Res. mode is when the Command modifier is used on macOS and Control modifier on Windows.
  3. Fixed update of Meter and Real Time display in hosts which don’t call processBlock in Bypass.
  4. Added the Resize menu to the UI so you can resize the plugin to 100% (original), 125% and 150%.
  5. Added: Prefs Dialog with prefs to enable Mouse Wheel to adjust values.  Pref to turn off the Tooltips.  Pref to set UI size.
  6. Added Pro Tools Control Surface PageTable.
  7. Saves & Recalls the SideChain state.

Technical Support & Contact Tickets

Please use our ticketing system for all technical support issues and for contacting us. This enables us to track and follow up each issue. Once you have submitted a ticket please send replies through the ticketing system rather than to our email, as this enables our team to correctly follow the thread.