MDWEQ6 Plug-In Guide
Latest Version for MDWEQ6-AAX+ and MDWEQ6-Native+
MDWEQ6 Plug-In Guide v6 210125 4 (PDF)
Previous Versions for Pro Tools EQ6 AAX Native and DSP only
MDWEQ6-AAX+ and MDWEQ6-Native+ Installs - 64-bit
There is a single MDWEQ6-AAX installer each for Mac OSX and Windows (Mac update Sep 28th 2023, Win update Oct 5th 2023)...
- MDWEQ6-AAX+ Installer 6.0.3r53 and 6.0.55 (AAX-DSP, AU, VST3)
(Note: when DSP installs are instantiated for MacOS and being used in PT Hybrid mode, the plugin may experience graphic issues) - MacOS
- Windows
- MDWEQ6-Native+ Installer 6.0.3r53 and 6.0.55 (AAX-Native, AU, VST3)
- MacOS
- Windows
- MDWEQ6-Native (AU & VST3, Native only) Installer 6.0.55
- MacOS
- MDWEQ6-Native_Installer_(AU+and+VST3_)
- MDWEQ6-Native (VST3, Native only) Installer 6.0.57
- Windows
- MDWEQ6-Native_Installer_(VST3+only)
MDWEQ6-AAX Downloads
(This is the older EQ6 version without the new VST and AU installs and was available from the Avid store or as an upgrade from the MDW shop from EQ5)
There is a single MDWEQ6-AAX installer each for Mac OSX and Windows (July 13th 2021)...
- MAC...
- MDWEQ6-AAX 6.0.3r43 Installer for Pro Tools 10+ (Mac) - Universal 32-bit and 64-bit for OS10.7 up to Mojave
- MDWEQ6-AAX Native 6.0.3r43 Installer for Pro Tools 10+ (Mac) - Universal 32-bit and 64-bit for OS10.7 up to Mojave
- MDWEQ6-AAX 6.0.3r43x64 Installer for Pro Tools 10+ (Mac) - 64-bit for Catalina (un-notorize
- WIN 32-bit...
- MDWEQ6-AAX 6.0.3r43 Installer for Pro Tools 11+ (Win)
- MDWEQ6-AAX Native 6.0.3r43 Installer for Pro Tools 11+ (Win)
Once downloaded to your Download Folder, please click on the downloaded file to complete installation. The MDWEQ6-AAX plugin will be installed in the /Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins folder.
Note: The Catalina Build (MDWEQ6-AAX Installer will work from macOS 10.11 and later — and is 64-bit only.
If you need MDWEQ5-AAX or any legacy installers, please read MDWQ5-AAX FAQ or contact us via support form.
Which Version of MDWEQ Do I Own?
Check your ‘iLok Manager’ application to determine the version of MDWEQ you own.
Includes MDWEQ6 AAX DSP & Native, VST & AU – purchased from the MDW Shop
Includes MDWEQ6 AAX Native, VST & AU – purchased from the MDW Shop
Includes MDWEQ6 AAX DSP & Native for Pro Tools – purchased from the Avid store or upgraded from EQ5 from the MDW Shop
Includes MDWEQ5 AAX DSP & Native for Pro Tools – purchased from the Avid Store
Includes MDWEQ5 AAX Native for Pro Tools – purchased from the Avid Store
Upgrades from MDWEQ5-AAX
In order to upgrade to MDW Hi-Res Parametric MDWEQ6-AAX (DSP & Native), you must have one of the following licenses on your iLok account:
- MDW Hi-Res Parametric MDWEQ5-AAX-Native
- MDW Hi-Res Parametric MDWEQ5-AAX (DSP & Native) v5.0.2.34
When you upgrade to v6 you will surrender your earlier license for MDWEQ5. This earlier license will be replaced by your license for MDW Hi-Res Parametric MDWEQ6-AAX (DSP & Native), iLok license name: “MDWEQ6-AAX”.
Please note: This license is for the MDWEQ6-AAX (DSP & Native) version only, it will NOT authorize earlier versions of MDWEQ (RTAS or TDM) and/or MDWEQ5-AAX NFR (not for resale license).
MDW EQ5 & EQ6 Upgrade Checklist
If you’re having trouble getting MDWEQ6 up and running, please check the following….
- Is your license activated on the latest version of iLok License Manager on iLok 2 or 3 key?
- Check your license type: MDWEQ6-AAX (1) or MDWEQ6-AAX-Native (2)
If (1), please download and install the latest version of MDWEQ6-AAX+ Mac or Win
If (2), please download and install the latest version of MDWEQ6-Native+ Mac or Win
Which Version of MDWEQ Do I Own? – Check out the info in the ‘Which Version of MDWEQ Do I Own?’ link above this module.
If Pro Tools asks you to activate your license, it is likely that you have the wrong version of the plug-ins installed. In particular, for those who have MDWEQ6-AAX-Native, be sure to check your Plug-ins Folder and remove MDWEQ6-AAX out of the folder..
Or you can simply install MDWEQ6-Native+ version which will automatically remove previously installed MDW EQs.
If you’re attempting to upgrade/surrender your EQ5 license, do you have:
→ Your upgrade options are:
Upgrade from MDWEQ5-AAX to MDWEQ6-AAX+
Upgrade from MDWEQ5-AAX to MDWEQ6-Native+
→ Your upgrade options are:
Upgrade from MDWEQ5-AAX-Native to MDWEQ6-AAX+
Upgrade from MDWEQ5-AAX-Native to MDWEQ6-Native+
Before making any purchase and upgrade, please make sure you’re purchasing the correct version that reflects your EQ5 license type.
Mac OS Sonoma Issues with Pace iLok on Apple Silicon
MDWEQ6 Latest Version Release Notes - 6.0.3r53 (AAX DSP & Native) and 6.0.55 (VST & AU)
Oct 5th 2023
AAX DSP & Native 6.03r53, VST & AU 6.0.55
- The installer will remove previously installed MDWEQ plugs to make sure the installer doesn’t merge the copy instead of replacing the original.
- EQ5 and EQ6 can’t co-exist since otherwise EQ6 wouldn’t be able to open sessions that had EQ5 instantiated and replace the EQ5 with the EQ6 and read the settings.
- Also all these installers are now 64-bit only.
MDWEQ6 Latest Version Release Notes - 6.0.3r48 (AAX DSP & Native) and 6.0.42 (VST & AU)
July 20th 2022
AAX DSP & Native 6.03r48, VST & AU 6.0.42
- Added Resize functionality (you can now resize the UI to 3 size options)
- Added Apple Silicon ARM support for M1/M2 chips. Pro Tools still is non-native so MDWEQ6 will run under Rosetta 2
MDWEQ6 Version Release Notes - 6.0.3r43 (AAX DSP & Native) and 6.0.33 (VST & AU)
Feb 7th 2021
AAX DSP & Native 6.03r43 – Updates since 6.03r39
- Use shared graphics for all instances to reduce load times and memory usage
- Reduce some repainting
VST & AU 6.0.33 – Updates since 6.0.16
- Fixed Color Picker related crashes where if you closed the UI with the Color Picker open, it could hang or crash
- Fixed mouse wheel preferences so the preference would be retained between re-instantiations
- Fixed crash on closing the UI in Cubase on Windows
- Fixed Live issue on Windows where we had to throttle the automation data being sent to the host
- Increased text input of Gain to 6 characters and increased resolution to avoid any rounding
- Minor updates to the Windows installer related to the EULA and the uninstaller path
- Fixed node updates issue when using A/B
- General stability updates
- General graphic issues when using VST3 on Live/Pyramix/Cubase and some other DAWs
Previous versions: 6.0.3r39 (AAX DSP & Native) and 6.0.16 (VST & AU)
Technical Support & Contact Tickets
Please use our ticketing system for all technical support issues and for contacting us. This enables us to track and follow up each issue. Once you have submitted a ticket please send replies through the ticketing system rather than to our email, as this enables our team to correctly follow the thread.